
The Excelab works as expected. Excelab 7.0 is perfect product, daily used very efficiently while saving unbelievable time in calculations and result analyzing. Very strongly recommended to engineers wherever 3D interpolation is needed. Additionally, support Team is very fast responsive with prompt solution how the appeared problem can be successfully solved. Thanks for productive cooperation and sincere congratulation.

Vladimir Kercan, Slovenia.

we were working on our final year chemical engineering project and we needed to integrate the functions which is a very long process using *** and we found the ExcelWorks which was really a huge gift to us. They also gave us special discount. Thank you excel works.

Deep Patel, GSFC University, India.

J’utilise les solvers PDSOLVE et PDASOLVE d’ExcelWork pour trouver rapidement les solutions des équations différentielles partielles non-linéaires. Le logiciel est rapide et efficace. L’équipe de service technique est très réactive et aimable.

Eugene Vorobiev, Professeur, l’Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France.

ExcelWorks calculus add-in has been incredibly helpful, at first it can be hard to use however there are many helpful video examples posted online which are well worth watching. The function QUADF() used to integrate functions has been a personal favourite, extremely easy to use and works great! The ExcelWorks support have also been incredibly helpful, responding to any queries I had in a quick and effective manor. I would most definitely recommend this add-in to anyone considering.

Matthew McConnell, Brunel University. Great Britain

I found excel-works derivative functions quite useful. I was particularly pleased with the prompt response for assistance when I required some technical issues to be resolved. I hope the support will remain. It’s quite pleasing to know the company is there when you need them.

M. Ramonotsi, Process Technical Manager at Pilanesberg Platinum Mines. South Africa

기존의 엑셀에는 없지만, 좀 더 다양하면서도 심도깊은 통계분석을 할 수 있는 기능을 ExceLab에서 제공해줘서 좋았습니다. 따로 어렵게 코딩을 하지 않아도 쉽게 다양한 기능을 사용할 수 있어서 코딩이 어려우신 분들께 매우 유용한 툴이 될 것이라 생각합니다.

Shin Young. Korea Institute of Energy Research Power & Energy Laboratory. Korea

Im Rahmen meiner Doktorarbeit im Fach VWL verwende ich das Calculus Add-In von Excelab um Optimale Steuerungsprobleme zu lösen. Ich bestätige, dass ich mit dem Produkt sehr zufrieden bin, denn es bietet mir weit mehr Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten und Modellierungsoptionen als herkömmliche Solver. Zudem ist der Support sehr schnell und zuvorkommend.

Francisco Ebeling - PhD Candidate, University Oldenburg. Germany

I have used the products from ExceLab in the context of my PhD. I find it very robust and reliable. I honestly want to highlight the very efficient help support from ExceLab. They are very proactive and quick providing support, giving the customer support and the feedback to efficiently solve the problems/challenges.

Sara Oliveira, Researcher at FEUP. Portugal

I was working on my multi-equation coupled PDEs model and used a lot of software to solve the problem. They were very complex and not giving a desirable solution. and biggest problem using that software was there is no technical support if I face any error. But after using excel-works pdasolver to solve the model I am very happy. It is easy to learn and support provided by the admin staff is very nice. If anyone working on multi PDEs equation problems, just try this one you will love this solver.

Umang Bedi, Research scholar at PU Chandigarh. India

I have used the PDSolve and ODSolve features of Excelab. These are truly robust solvers for a large class of highly nonlinear problems with multiple dependent variables. To my knowledge, this program is the first Excel add-in ever that enables rigorous numerical solution of systems of differential algebraic equations, while being fully contained in Excel. While commercial programs are available, the ability to have our models solved fully in Excel offers a host of practical advantages. In my case, being the sole PDE-system-modeler in a large team of scientists and engineers tapping into model predictions rather frequently, the benefits of having (a) the model in a quick-turn-around-type, (b) the ability to share models and results in a highly familiar platform, (c) the ability to interface with test data with minimal processing, combined with near-zero learning-curve in using the program, have compelled me to break from the past and put in the effort to move our models to Excelab. While there are still things that could be done to improve the software, what we have today is already a big leap. Overall, I would strongly recommend modelers to take advantage of this software. Needless to say that it is a must-have for graduate students. Another main positive would be detailed technical support from personnel with a thorough knowledge of the software as well as ample experience in numerical solutions.

A Principal Scientist at an International Medical Technology Company. USA

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ExceLab: Transforming Excel into a Calculus Power House

ExceLab functions and methods are protected by USA Patents 10628634, 10114812, 9892108 and 9286286.

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